Usually available: All year
Life cycle: short lived perennial
Height: 50 - 80cm
Position: Sun / part shade
Soil preference: Well drained
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You will receive
- 1 Wild Rocket Herb Plant in a 50 X 75mm tube - General growing instructions
All of our Herb Plants are grown organically with certified organic potting mixes and fertilizers
Botanical Name: Diplotaxis tenuifolia
Wild Rocket is a short lived perennial leafy vegetable with thin, lance shaped, bright to dark green leaves, which are deeply lobed. Young leaves may be 6-8cm long, while the mature leaves reach 16-20cm long. The leaves form a dense rosette at the base of branching stems, which may reach 50-80cm high. The thin stems are almost succulent and are both leafless and hairless. This plant has a long tap root and bright yellow flowers, with four petals, appear from spring to summer. It may spread by both seed or by the branching tap root.
The botanical name for Wild Rocket is Diplotaxis tenufolia in the Brassicaceae family. It may also go by the synonyms Brassica tenufolia or Diplotaxis erucoides. It has the common names of Perennial Wall Rocket, Sand Rocket, Italian Wild Rocket or Lincoln Weed in Australia. This is a different genus from the cultivated Salad Rocket, although it is in the same family. Some sources give Wild Rocket the same scientific name as Salad Rocket (Eruca sativa), so a visual check of the adult plant is always valuable.
Wild Rocket is a relative of radish and watercress, with similarities in appearance and taste. In its natural state it grows in the Mediterranean regions of Europe and Eastern Asia. It has been known as a culinary herb since Roman times and spread widely due to its ability to adapt to different conditions, especially poor or sandy ground. It often colonises roadsides and disturbed ground. Today it is naturalized in many countries with temperate climates and is considered a weed in some areas of Australia.
Growing Conditions
Wild Rocket will grow in full sun to part shade and prefers a good water supply, although it will tolerate dry conditions. The best flavour and texture is obtained from providing rich, well-drained soil and a great deal of water. Sandy soils with or without good nutrient sources will allow this potential weed to grow in high numbers. It is important not to let seed escape from the garden, since this is a weed in several areas of Australia. Under dry conditions the leaves of Wild Rocket are less palatable due to bitterness.
The long tap root allows Wild Rocket to survive over hot summers, flower and produce its seeds ready for germination in the cooler months. The tap root also branches, which provides two means of reproduction, enabling it to out-compete existing vegetation and colonise pastures or bare ground very quickly.
Culinary Uses
Wild Rocket is an ideal replacement for normal Salad Rocket and is used widely in French and Italian cuisine. Wild Rocket has a more intense and pungent flavour than Salad Rocket, so it adds a distinctive taste to green salads. It may be used with other greens, nuts or fruit and topped with dressings, included in stir fry dishes or steamed lightly with other vegetables. It may be used as garnish on pizzas, meat dishes or in a sandwich. The flowers are also edible and can be added to similar dishes. The older leaves can be quite bitter and hot in taste, so these are best reserved for cooked dishes.
Medicinal Uses
Wild Rocket, or Diplotaxis tenufolia, has a history of traditional medicine use, especially in the Mediterranean region where it enjoys popularity as cuisine. There are many health benefits to consuming Wild Rocket since it contains Vitamins A, C, and K, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and other nutrients. It has been used medicinally for different purposes throughout its history and contains glucosinolates, phytochemicals such as carotenoids, and polyphenols. Specific actions include astringent, diuretic, emollient, tonic, laxative, and stimulant.
All information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. Please seek professional advice before commencing any treatment.