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Rocket - Salad Rocket

Rocket - Salad Rocket

Regular price $5.50 USD
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certified organic cert number 22013

Usually available: April to November

Life cycle: Annual
Height: 45 - 90cm
Position: Sun / part shade
Soil preference: Well drained

This is how we pack and send your Herb Plants to all states except TAS & WA

You will receive
- 1 Salad Rocket Herb Plant in a 50 X 75mm tube - General growing instructions

All of our Herb Plants are grown organically with certified organic potting mixes and fertilizers

Botanical Name: Eruca vesicaria subsp. Sativa

Rocket is an annual leafy vegetable with deeply lobed leaves of dark green, occasionally with a red tint. The branching stems rise from the base and may reach up to 1 meter in length if it is allowed to grow ‘wild’ from seed. However, in garden cultivation it usually reaches about 45cm, although young leaves may be picked when the plant is smaller. The leaves are produced in a rosette from the base of the plant. The cream flowers are held at the end of the stems and later produce seed heads, which shatter and release hundreds of seeds when dry.

Salad Rocket is a member of the Brassicaceae family and related to the Mustard Greens. The botanical designation is Eruca vesicaria ssp. sativa or simply Eruca sativa as a scientific synonym. There are up to 20 types of Rocket, but Salad Rocket and Wild Rocket are the main varieties in Australia. It is known as Arugula in the United States. Rocket is an Ancient vegetable and has been consumed for both edible and medicinal purposes for thousands of years. It has a high nutrient and vitamin content, combined with a pleasant flavour that is both peppery and nutty. The native habitat of rocket is the Mediterranean regions of Europe and Western Asia, but it has become naturalized in many countries. Rocket was mostly eaten in Italy, until recent decades when it was discovered by the rest of the world.

Growing Conditions

Rocket is fast growing and prefers full sun to part shade in warm summers. When it is very warm the plant will tend to grow quickly and rush to set seed. This can be slowed by growing in the cooler parts of the year, since this is a cool season crop. Frost protection should be offered when necessary. In milder climatic regions rocket may be grown for most of the year by successive plantings. Older clumps may be pulled from the ground as soon as younger plants are big enough to be picked at around 3-4 weeks. Rocket prefers consistent water, but not wet roots, so the soil should be well drained. Dry soil is not tolerated well and will increase bitterness. Fertile soil is preferred and continual cropping of leafy greens requires ongoing attention to soil quality, although different types of soil may be tolerated. Poor soils will produce more bitter tasting leaves with a tougher texture.

Culinary Uses

Salad Rocket may be picked from 5 weeks and used in salads or stir fry dishes. Young leaves are more succulent and less peppery.

Medicinal Uses

Rocket is very high in Vitamins A, B, C and K as well as having minerals such as calcium, folate, manganese potassium, iron and copper. In earlier times the medicinal value of rocket was found in its stimulant properties and for treating colds. Today, it is consumed as a healthy green vegetable known for anti-oxidant and cancer fighting properties as a result of the active constituents in the plant chemicals.


All information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. Please seek professional advice before commencing any treatment.

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