Usually available: All year
Life cycle: Perennial
Height: 60cm
Position: Full sun
Soil preference: Well drained
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- 1 Golden Sage Herb Plant in a 50 X 75mm tube - General growing instructions
All of our Herb Plants are grown organically with certified organic potting mixes and fertilizers
Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis 'Icterina'
Golden Sage is a compact growing, evergreen sub-shrub, also called Variegated Golden Sage. It has a bushy growth habit, with its final height being somewhat dependent upon garden conditions. It can grow from 50cm to 1 meter with a similar width, taking 2-5 years to reach full size. Some writers have indicated it has a dwarf growth habit, but this may be in comparison to the very tall growth of some of the ornamental salvia varieties. Golden Sage has quite showy, two-lipped blue-purple flowers. They are quite large at 2 cm long and held in terminal racemes.
The fragrant leaves are variegated with the plant providing contrast between deeper grey greens, golden green and creamy yellow coloured leaves. The contrast varies with the intensity of colour. In turn, this is affected by the amount of sunlight the plant receives. More light results in a much stronger variegated pattern.
Although many people would grow Golden Sage for their decorative qualities, it is a very useful culinary sage. The flavour is milder than the other Salvia officinalis varieties, but it may be used in a similar manner. Golden Sage is said to be a ‘must have’ for serious cooks. More culinary information may be found under Common Sage.
Growing Conditions
Golden Sage prefers a full sun aspect, with some shelter and will take partial shade. This sage is happy to grow in any type of well drained soil and has average water requirements. It can take quite dry conditions, as it is closely related to the Common Sage which is suited to warm temperate environments. Naturally, watering in the warm summer months will be met with good results. However, it is important to avoid excessive wet soils from winter rains, or the plant will be susceptible to the roots rotting in soggy and cold soil.
Golden Sage is an ideal plant for perennial borders where the coloured leaves will provide all season, or in some areas year round interest. If it grows a little too high for your border it is easily pruned to meet the right height. This sage also does well in containers if you lack space or live in a cold or frost risk region. It may be propagated by soft wood cuttings in spring and semi-hardwood cuttings in late summer.
The salvia family has over 900 members with an extensive history as culinary, medicinal and ornamental plants. Ornamental salvias have become collectors items, as gardeners try to find a place in their garden for each and every one. There are salvias that will suit every type of soil and climate. More information on the Salvia genus and Common Sage (Salvia officinalis) may be found on our Common Sage page and sage herb collection.
All information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. Please seek professional advice before commencing any treatment.